The latest event news, technologies, and resources.
Going Global: Keeping Your Corporate Training Events Consistently Excellent – Everywhere
Corporate Events

Going Global: Keeping Your Corporate Training Events Consistently Excellent – Everywhere

As more and more companies operate their events virtually, locally and regionally, one of their key challenges is keeping the caliber of these separate events consistent across locales. While saving precious dollars on travel and hospitality expenses, the risk of an event getting executed inconsistently from office to office puts the ROI from this investment in jeopardy. Nowhere is this more evident than with training events. Ensuring consistency in planning, preparation, and on-site execution of corporate training events across different locations, timeframes, and teams is essential for maintaining high standards. Here are some expert tips to help you achieve this goal.
Planning Corporate Events: Do You Know Your Event Attendee “Personas”?
Corporate Events

Planning Corporate Events: Do You Know Your Event Attendee “Personas”?

Successful corporate event planning hinges on understanding attendee personas. Each event attracts a diverse mix of participants, from customers and partners to employees and VIPs, each with unique objectives and interests. And every experienced marketer knows building customer personas or buyer profiles is a must if you want to center your campaigns around your “best-customer” attitudes, motivations, marketing channels and behaviors. Recognizing and catering to these varying personas is crucial for designing an engaging and relevant event. Here are five common corporate event personas and strategies to engage each effectively.
4 Best Practices in Corporate Event Venue Sourcing and Negotiation
Corporate Events

4 Best Practices in Corporate Event Venue Sourcing and Negotiation

The annual “go to” conference in your industry has just announced dates. Your administrative, marketing, PR and investor relations teams are gearing up to develop your plans for maximizing this once-a-year, prime networking and business development opportunity. You need to plan one-on-one meetings, VIP dinners, hosted client meetings and an executive retreat capitalizing on attendance at this keystone event. But how do you identify and negotiate a venue contract with the perfect venue that can accommodate all of your needs? With years of experience managing events across diverse venues, we have honed our skills in identifying what sets top-tier venues apart from the rest. Here are some of our best practices and insights for sourcing and negotiating the perfect venue for your corporate event.
Planning Corporate Conferences: Why Hiring an Agency Can Save Time and Money
Corporate Events

Planning Corporate Conferences: Why Hiring an Agency Can Save Time and Money

At Metavent, we partner with top-tier technology and enterprise-level clients who often have talented administrative teams with event-planning capabilities. Surprisingly, many of these companies choose to outsource their conference planning to third-party agencies. Why? The answer lies in the unique advantages that professional event planners bring to the table. Here’s why hiring an agency like Metavent can be a game-changer for your corporate conferences.
4 Hidden Costs of DIY Event Planning & Management
Event Planning

4 Hidden Costs of DIY Event Planning & Management

In a corporate world mesmerized by productivity gains, efficiency enhancers and cost-cutting, it might seem appropriate for in-house event teams to “go it alone” when it comes to corporate event planning and management. After all, we all know that the fewer folks involved, the faster decisions are made and we have all been taught the rules of the road when it comes to sticking to a budget. But what you may not know is, sometimes, this could actually be a recipe for spending more and delivering less. The complexities involved often reveal pitfalls and hidden costs that can turn a seemingly simple task into a logistical and financial nightmare. Want to know what to look out for? Here are the key challenges associated with DIY corporate event planning and management.
5 Ways to Get a High Approval Rating on Your Next Sales Kickoff Event
Sales Kickoffs

5 Ways to Get a High Approval Rating on Your Next Sales Kickoff Event

From new product launch planning and product orientations to practicing sales pitches, sales training workshops, quota setting to awards and celebrations, these kickoff events are pivotal company moments which set the tone for the new year ahead. And all experienced sales teams know that if these kickoff events are planned carefully, the incentive to show up and participate is maximized. If not, well… “been there, done that!” And your team deserves more. So here are five key recommendations from years in the events industry that can help ensure your next sales kickoff meeting’s a rousing success.
3 Valuable Tips for Planning an Executive Retreat or Strategic Brainstorming Session
Event Planning

3 Valuable Tips for Planning an Executive Retreat or Strategic Brainstorming Session

When budget season approaches, year-end and holiday parties start emerging into focus. Close behind are strategy retreats for executive and board teams. Your strategic retreat is a time for reassessing goals, evaluating what’s working, and updating your perspective on competitive risks and opportunities. Ensuring your team is on the same page, aligned, and proactively creating strategic plans in a collaborative framework is critical. So how do you maximize this opportunity for team brainstorming and ideation? Here are 3 of our top tips from decades in the event industry. Tried and tested pathways for cohesion, innovation and a touch of wonder.
3 Strategies for Delivering A Top Notch Executive Retreat
Event Planning

3 Strategies for Delivering A Top Notch Executive Retreat

If you’re hosting an executive retreat, something big is happening. Whether you're restructuring, brainstorming a new product direction, merging with another company, or focusing on executive teambuilding, you need to ensure that your retreat is meticulously planned around these developments and the dynamics within your team. Here are our three best recommendations for strategies aimed at delivering excellence at your next executive retreat.
5 Key Reasons To Outsource Your Annual Partners Meeting
Event Planning

5 Key Reasons To Outsource Your Annual Partners Meeting

With plenty of experience in private equity, the team at Metavent understand the importance of the annual partners meeting. Each and every year. This is THE meeting where the performance of your fund’s investments are tied back to the performance of your portfolio investments and everyone is held accountable. Investors are watching and you don’t want to miss a beat. Stressed just thinking about it? Don’t be! Here’s how you can skip all the worry and relax into your most important meeting of the year.
5 Tips for Investor Meetings that Inspire and Persuade

5 Tips for Investor Meetings that Inspire and Persuade

If you are a heading up a startup, running a venture capital or private equity fund or otherwise beholden to investors, then hosting a successful investor meeting couldn’t be more critical. As with any event, it is critical to plan conference investor meetings based on your objectives. Do you need to win support for a critical decision? Keep investment dollars flowing into specific projects? Justify a new investment and/or consummate a deal with partners? Whatever your intended meeting takeaways, you will want to orchestrate your event very carefully – from the choice of venue to the menu and cocktails you serve — ensuring you leverage your news but also recognize and reward your most important audience.
Thoughtful Holiday Perks: 3 Team Incentives to Show You Care

Thoughtful Holiday Perks: 3 Team Incentives to Show You Care

In addition to a BANG UP year-end party, there are many other ways to use the “giving season” to give back through thoughtful holiday perks and team incentives. The key is taking a seasonal theme, current trends or the latest company happenings and leveraging these into thank you’s which are relevant and resonate with your team. Here are three timeless opportunities for you to show your team you truly care this holiday season.
Creative Sales Presentations: 3 Strategic Ways to Wow the Crowd
Sales Kickoffs

Creative Sales Presentations: 3 Strategic Ways to Wow the Crowd

Sales meetings don’t have to be deadly and dry. You want to energize them, not put them to sleep. Creatively working your content can be one of your best strategies for keeping your team engaged and interested in the key messages you need to deliver. With technology at your side and apps, videos and visuals there for the taking, what’s holding you back? With these three tips to make your creative sales presentation captivating, there’s nothing standing in your way.
3 Ways to Get Your Sales Team Buzzing with a Kick-Ass After Party
Sales Kickoffs

3 Ways to Get Your Sales Team Buzzing with a Kick-Ass After Party

All great events start by identifying your bullseyes – who is your target audience and what is the objective of your event? In the case of your annual sales meeting, in many cases, you will be catering to a primarily male audience, with high energy levels, great expectations and low tolerance for boredom. An after party’s a great way to re-energize your sales team after they have sat through the more traditional sales meeting format where you have briefed them on the upcoming season’s objectives. But creating a post-meeting social event that resonates with your high-energy sales team requires strategic planning. With a focus on fun, competitive activities that amplify human connection. So how do you pull all that off? With these tips from our decades in the event industry, of course. All tried and tested to ensure the after-party for your sales team is a hit.
Turn Your Corporate Training Event from Snoozefest to Must-see
Corporate Events

Turn Your Corporate Training Event from Snoozefest to Must-see

When you hear training you probably think… dark room, no fresh air, sitting (lots of sitting), over indulgent snacks, over consumption and any attempt to keep awake. But training doesn’t have to be so blah blah blah fall asleep at your desk. Creating engaging and memorable corporate training events can be a game-changer for team productivity and morale. And by incorporating innovative ideas — leveraged with industry insights — you can elevate your training sessions and ensure they leave a lasting impression. Here are four surefire ways to jazz up your training events and get a big THANK YOU from your team.
3 Ideas for All-Hands Meetings They Won't Soon Forget
All-Hands Meetings

3 Ideas for All-Hands Meetings They Won't Soon Forget

Cookie-cutter all-hands meetings are relics of the past. In this new normal of fast-paced, ever-evolving business landscapes, your team craves more than updates and announcements. They’re looking for connection. Inspiration. A shared vision that transcends the mundane. Plus some fun, too. From an all-hands meeting? Why not? We get all that and more from ours. You can, too. Here are our tried and tested ways of getting your team on target with all-hands that truly resonate.
5 Reasons to Outsource Your Corporate Event Management
Corporate Events

5 Reasons to Outsource Your Corporate Event Management

As event spending has come under more scrutiny, another trend has emerged: outsourcing of the event planning and management function to third-party event planning firms. Outsourcing corporate event planning can make a lot of sense, depending on the frequency of your events, the types of events you need to run and the diversity of your target audiences. Here are our top 5 reasons to skip all the stress of event planning by outsourcing the lot.
3 Out of the Box Teambuilding Activities Beyond Your Boardroom

3 Out of the Box Teambuilding Activities Beyond Your Boardroom

It's always a good time for teambuilding! But oh my goodness, how are you going to avoid the been-there-done-that blues? And how are you going to keep your team from complaining that it just wasn’t good enough. Teambuilding events are essential for fostering camaraderie, boosting morale, and enhancing productivity within any organization. To help you plan memorable, effective and fun teambuilding activities, here are three ideas that go beyond traditional office settings...
5 Ways to Make Your Next Corporate Conference Unforgettable
Corporate Events

5 Ways to Make Your Next Corporate Conference Unforgettable

How do you show your conference guests that you really care? Step out of the norm and try something new, give them a fresh and unexpected experience! Here are 5 creative ways for infusing excitement into an otherwise “been there, done that” company or industry conference...
6 Ways to Plan for the Conference Outside the Conference
Corporate Events

6 Ways to Plan for the Conference Outside the Conference

The success of any conference is driven by much more than just the core conference agenda itself. Your conference attendees have traveled from all over the world to reunite with a common purpose and renew longstanding relationships. So use your next conference to recreate that sense of reunion among your attendees. Meaning they can still experience the great conversations, networking connections and fun once all of the “serious stuff” wraps up.
It's Never Too Early for Corporate Conference Planning
Corporate Events

It's Never Too Early for Corporate Conference Planning

Conference season can leave you feeling buried in venue selection, meeting logistics, entertainment ideas and TOTALLY distracted from your other business priorities. Whether it’s a global sales meeting, a networking conference or an educational conference discussing the latest trends in your industry, nothing makes for a more successful corporate conference than detailed and advanced PLANNING. To ensure your upcoming corporate conference is a resounding success, you need to focus on several key planning aspects. And it's never too early to start, but where to start? Here are our insider tips to help your corporate conference planning hit all the right notes...
The Secret Sauce for VIP Events from Industry Insiders
Event Planning

The Secret Sauce for VIP Events from Industry Insiders

You need to pull out ALL the stops if you want to impress your VIPs, be they investors, clients, board members or partners. This is a high caliber group and they have been to MANY meetings, dinners, retreats and boondoggles. To create a VIP event that is truly unforgettable, it's essential to add unique and special touches that will leave a lasting impression. So how do you keep your VIP event fresh, unexpected, highly memorable and over deliver in spades? As an event planner, you must constantly seek innovative ways to ensure your event stands out. And here, we’re sharing some of our best-kept secrets for planning a VIP event that goes above and beyond… even for high flyers with even higher expectations.
Master VIP Treatment Beyond the Red Carpet
Event Planning

Master VIP Treatment Beyond the Red Carpet

Rolling out the red carpet for your VIPs is crucial for making them feel appreciated and valued. But that’s just one moment. At your next VIP event, it's important to keep them "front and center." You need to surprise, delight and nail the attention of your VIP guests at your next client event, investor meeting or board huddle — from beginning to end. The best way to do this? Make them the stars! By tapping into what makes THEM tick, you can showcase all their talents while keeping the excitement going at your event. Here are 4 expert tips to help you master VIP treatment beyond the red carpet…
‘Share the Love’ with VIP Treatment Event Experts Swear By
Event Planning

‘Share the Love’ with VIP Treatment Event Experts Swear By

Your VIPs (from your board members to your clients to your suppliers to your investors) want to know you care, really care, about their investment of time and effort in you. So show them! Here are three tips for making your VIPs feel as loved as they deserve at your VIP event. If you want to make your VIP service feel truly valuable, it's important to go above and beyond in your event planning. Not only should you be respectful of their time, but you should also strive to anticipate their every need and ensure they have a seamless, stress-free experience. Here are some tips from decades in the events industry to help you do just that...
An Expert Checklist for Hosting ‘VIP Only’ Corporate Events
Corporate Events

An Expert Checklist for Hosting ‘VIP Only’ Corporate Events

VIP corporate events are a fantastic way to build relationships with stakeholders and showcase your brand's excellence. When planning a corporate event exclusively for VIPs, every detail matters. So where do you start? Our expert tips from decades in the industry, of course. Here to help you plan an event for your corporate VIPs that leaves a lasting impression… even for the VIPs that have everything.
4 Winning Recipes for an SF Company Picnic
Event Planning

4 Winning Recipes for an SF Company Picnic

A company picnic doesn’t have to be “blah, blah, BLAH”. Your goal is to create a complete juxtaposition to your office environment, get your team out into the fresh air, play some games and have some fun. Think beyond the picnic tables and BBQ pit! Company picnics in San Francisco are a fantastic way to reward and rejuvenate your team while building camaraderie and promoting teamwork. San Fran offers a myriad of options — from the beach to wine country, city parks, and local landmarks. Here are four winning recipes for a memorable picnic in SF, from corporates to startups and everyone in between…
8 Insider Tips for Choosing the Best Corporate Event Venue
Corporate Events

8 Insider Tips for Choosing the Best Corporate Event Venue

Let’s face it, one of the most time consuming parts of planning any event is identifying the right venue. From the ambiance to the location, every aspect should be considered carefully to ensure it meets the needs of your guests. Making corporate events particularly hard, since you need to deal with capacity limits, transportation issues, audiovisual requirements, menu affordability, catering and beverage requirements, PLUS you also want your corporate venue to be unexpected, so it’s a “gotta go” event for your team. Where on Earth do you start with all that? Our insider tips from decades in the industry, of course...
6 Ways Event Experts Win Clients over at Cocktail Hour
Event Planning

6 Ways Event Experts Win Clients over at Cocktail Hour

Cocktail hour is an opportunity to build rapport with clients and colleagues alike. And us event professionals know it's so much more than just rapport. Cocktail hour’s a great time for networking, forging connections, and building meaningful relationships that endure. Making it vitally important your clients feel at ease and comfortable in your company and the bar you choose. Here are the key strategies that events industry insiders use to help impress clients during cocktail hour…
8 Event Ideas for a Successful Deal Closing Party
Event Planning

8 Event Ideas for a Successful Deal Closing Party

Have you recently closed a new venture round? Completed a merger? Inked a new relationship with a major business partner? Whatever the deal, it’s cause for rallying your team and CELEBRATING! But you’re an expert at closing deals, not throwing parties, so here are some helpful hints on what to do next...
Harnessing the Power of Sponsorship Sales

Harnessing the Power of Sponsorship Sales

Unlocking the potential of sponsorship sales is like mastering a complex yet rewarding art form. In the heart of all this lies your sales team - a group of individuals tasked with turning your event's potential into realized sponsorship deals.
Amplify Remote Teams - The Power of Team Offsites
Team Offsites

Amplify Remote Teams - The Power of Team Offsites

In the era of virtual meetings and remote work, many organizations have de-prioritized in-person team offsites. We’re huge fans of virtual meetings, however, even with advances in technology and communication, there is an undeniable power of in-person connection.
Boost Sponsorship Sales - Latest Trends in Sponsorship / Partner Programs

Boost Sponsorship Sales - Latest Trends in Sponsorship / Partner Programs

The events industry has seen a profound shift in the past few years, with the concept of event sponsorship evolving from a mere transactional relationship into a much more strategic partnership. 
Hot Destinations for Sales Kick-offs in 2025
Destination Spotlight

Hot Destinations for Sales Kick-offs in 2025

It always seems too early, but if you want the best selection of 2025 dates and venues, early is the way to plan!
Palm Springs: Paradise in Your Backyard
Destination Spotlight

Palm Springs: Paradise in Your Backyard

In Palm Springs, the desert meets luxury. Trams ascend, revealing vast landscapes. Art and architecture blend seamlessly. Making this city in the desert a canvas for the extraordinary, where every detail is meticulously curated and luxury is not just seen, but felt.
How Did We Make the San Francisco Business Times Fast 100 List?

How Did We Make the San Francisco Business Times Fast 100 List?

It’s a good reminder to stop and celebrate good news, especially when the news is unexpected. And it’s a great opportunity to reflect and take stock.
How to Select the Most Inspirational Keynote Speakers for any Audience
Corporate Events

How to Select the Most Inspirational Keynote Speakers for any Audience

Finding the right keynote speaker for your event can be a daunting task. With so many options available, it can be difficult to narrow down the best fit for your diverse audiences and brand strategy. However, the impact of an inspirational keynote speaker cannot be underestimated.
Pulling off the Impossible: Top Tips for Last-Minute Sales Kick-Off Planning
Sales Kickoffs

Pulling off the Impossible: Top Tips for Last-Minute Sales Kick-Off Planning

So you're facing the challenge of planning a last-minute sales kick-off? Don't fret, we're here to guide you through the essential steps to make it a success. The key to effective last-minute planning is to prioritize and stay focused.
Actionable Tips for Making Offsite Executive Meetups Matter
Team Offsites

Actionable Tips for Making Offsite Executive Meetups Matter

Gathering your entire executive team offsite for a meeting or retreat is no small feat. It requires significant time, resources, and coordination. As such, it's important to make the most of these valuable opportunities and ensure that your executive meetups matter and engage the entire team.
What Is an Event Production Company?
Corporate Events

What Is an Event Production Company?

What is an event production company? I’ve been asked this so many times, we decided to take some time to explain it. This guide provides comprehensive information on event production companies to ensure your next event is successful. It also answers questions about event production agencies and the services they offer.
Ensuring a Flawless Performance:  The Importance of Documenting Cues and Having a Detailed Show Flow
Corporate Events

Ensuring a Flawless Performance: The Importance of Documenting Cues and Having a Detailed Show Flow

We’ve all had that amazing conference experience where the content left such a lasting impression you still think about it today. Ever wonder how they did it? Let’s break it down. Interested in designing a flawless production? Let’s chat and amplify your production!
Unleashing Success: How to Plan the Perfect Executive Offsite
Sales Kickoffs

Unleashing Success: How to Plan the Perfect Executive Offsite

It seems obvious to say that executive offsites are a critical component of successful companies. There are a myriad of reasons why they are important, but most importantly, it’s critical that executives have an opportunity to get out of the day to day and into strategic thinking mode. When you have physical proximity to the team, the day-to-day demands and a regular routine, it’s more challenging to fully shift into strategic planning mode. For this and many other reasons, executive offsites can pay dividends for your executives and the company. Check out our top insights and tips for planning an executive offsite that is sure to boost connection and productivity while also creating an enjoyable experience for everyone involved. Let’s dive in and amplify your executive offsite!
Virtual All-Hands Meetings: The Do's and Don'ts
All-Hands Meetings

Virtual All-Hands Meetings: The Do's and Don'ts

A virtual all-hands meeting can be an invaluable tool to keep your team on the same page and in sync with each other. But if you’re not careful, it can also be a time suck that adds no value to your company. Here are some of the do’s and don’ts of running an effective virtual all-hands meeting, so you know how to make the most of this valuable time together!
Top Trends in Corporate Event Planning for 2023
Corporate Events

Top Trends in Corporate Event Planning for 2023

Find out the latest trends in corporate event planning to ensure your next work event in 2023 is a success.
The Dos and Don'ts of Planning a Team Building Retreat in San Francisco

The Dos and Don'ts of Planning a Team Building Retreat in San Francisco

San Francisco is thriving again. Don't be discouraged by the news, there are so many wonderful things happening in San Francisco. Like any city, there are dos and don’ts of planning, let us help you streamline your preparation with some helpful tips from long-time locals. Check it out! Interested in designing an amazing corporate event in San Francisco or the surrounding area? Let’s chat and take your team meeting to the next level!
Maximizing Event Impact with Innovative Design Solutions
Corporate Events

Maximizing Event Impact with Innovative Design Solutions

Events should be shocking. Exceptional. Sensational. Unforgettable. But such an event doesn't just materialize on its own. Event design solutions refer to the various creative and technical elements to enhance an event's overall impact and success. These include lighting, audio, visual design, stage design, and more. Read on to discover what you need to launch an extraordinary event that exceeds expectations and why you should hire an event design agency.
How to Plan an Amazing Corporate Event in San Francisco
Corporate Events

How to Plan an Amazing Corporate Event in San Francisco

San Francisco has long been a favored destination, a place people dream of visiting, and it's thriving again. Don't be discouraged by the news, there are so many wonderful things happening in San Francisco. Check out our spotlight of San Francisco and see how it's come alive post-Covid!
Make Your Sales Kick-Off Count: Practical Tips for Optimizing Performance and Driving Revenue
Sales Kickoffs

Make Your Sales Kick-Off Count: Practical Tips for Optimizing Performance and Driving Revenue

Are you looking for ways to make your sales kick-off count? Turn your next one into an opportunity to drive revenue and optimize performance. From creative in-person sales kickoffs to cost-saving online gatherings, we've got you covered. So read on and let's make your sales kickoff a success! Ready to make your Sales Kick-off a memorable and impactful event? Let’s set the stage for a successful year ahead!
How to Show Employee Appreciation at Your Next All-Hands
All-Hands Meetings

How to Show Employee Appreciation at Your Next All-Hands

Employees want to feel appreciated, especially by their manager and leadership. Afterall, a majority of your time is spent at work. Here are three tips on how to celebrate your teams's wins and accomplishments.
How to Plan a Bucket-List Dream Come True Event in New Zealand
Incentive Trips

How to Plan a Bucket-List Dream Come True Event in New Zealand

New Zealand is on everyone's bucket list. Why not help your team make their bucket-list dream come true, and plan the ultimate incentive trip in New Zealand? It's truly better than the photos and so much more than Lord of the Rings country! Interested in designing an amazing corporate event in New Zealand and the surrounding area? Let's dream something up together!
Hot Destinations for Sales Incentives in 2024
Incentive Trips

Hot Destinations for Sales Incentives in 2024

It’s the time of year, time to get ahead of the game and evaluate options for 2025 incentive trips. Or maybe you’re just kicking off a new initiative and last-minute planning for your 2024 Sales Incentive Trip or President’s Club? Either way, keeping up on what’s hot is essential. We’re seeing some fun trends in the market. Check out what’s hot and let’s get planning! Need help sourcing and planning an inventive incentive trip? Let’s chat and find your dream destination!
How to Design an Amazing Corporate Event in Salt Lake City
Destination Spotlight

How to Design an Amazing Corporate Event in Salt Lake City

What comes to mind when you think of Salt Lake City? Whether you're a regular or have never been to the Beehive State, I say... don't underrate this amazing city. Check out our spotlight from a recent visit to Salt Lake City! Interested in designing an amazing offsite experience in Salt Lake City or the surrounding area? Let's dream something up together!
Creating Unforgettable Experiences: The Art of Planning Team Offsite Events for Your Company
Team Offsites

Creating Unforgettable Experiences: The Art of Planning Team Offsite Events for Your Company

Team offsite events play a crucial role in strengthening company culture and enhancing employee engagement. Who doesn’t want that? By breaking away from the traditional office setting, team members have the opportunity to connect on a deeper level, build relationships, and develop a shared sense of purpose.
Get Ahead of the Game: Tips for Planning Your Sales Kickoff Event
Sales Kickoffs

Get Ahead of the Game: Tips for Planning Your Sales Kickoff Event

Are you planning your first sales kickoff event and feeling overwhelmed? You’re not alone! With so much to consider, it can be hard to know where to start. To make your event a success, it’s important to get ahead of the game and plan as much of your sales kickoff as you can well in advance. Here are some tips and tricks to help you plan an unforgettable event that will motivate your executives, team, and sales force. Interested in getting ahead of the game on your sales kickoff? Let’s chat and get you ahead of the game!
Get Your Team Bonding On: Fun Ideas for Hybrid Work
All-Hands Meetings

Get Your Team Bonding On: Fun Ideas for Hybrid Work

Remote work presents an exciting challenge to find new ways to bond with your team. If you are intentional and make team bonding a priority, anything is possible. Here are some team building ideas for hybrid work that may spark your own unique ideas!
From Boring Boardroom to Viva Las Vegas: A Corporate Event Guide
Destination Spotlight

From Boring Boardroom to Viva Las Vegas: A Corporate Event Guide

Las Vegas is so much more than amazing shows and food. It’s a dynamic, thriving meeting and convention city with the bonus of incredible national and state parks in the surrounding area. Whether you're a Las Vegas pro or planning your first event in the entertainment capital of the world, there is always something new and evolving in Las Vegas. Interested in designing a stand-out corporate event in Las Vegas? Check out our spotlight of the Las Vegas area and go from boring boardroom to viva Las Vegas!
Get the Most Out of Your All-Hands Meetings With This Ideal Agenda
All-Hands Meetings

Get the Most Out of Your All-Hands Meetings With This Ideal Agenda

Let’s face it, all-hands meetings are a lot of work and can sometimes fall flat. But they don’t have to! By including the right agenda items, you can help ensure that your meetings provide real value to your organization and don’t become another cog in the wheel of pointless meetings. When planning an agenda for your next all-hands meeting, use this ideal agenda as a guide to maximize the time spent at your meeting, make sure everyone who attends walks away with something valuable, and you achieve team alignment.
Elevating Your Customer Events:  Make Them Feel Like Royalty
Sales Kickoffs

Elevating Your Customer Events: Make Them Feel Like Royalty

Are you looking to make your customers feel like royalty? What better way than hosting a customer event! From VIP client cocktail hours to fancy excursions, we know the tricks and tips to make every customer feel cherished and valued. So if you're ready to elevate your customer events and give your VIP customers the royal treatment they deserve, then this blog post is for you. Let's get started!
Conquer the Distractions: Top Tips for High Engagement at Customer Events
Corporate Events

Conquer the Distractions: Top Tips for High Engagement at Customer Events

VIP customer events are the perfect opportunity for companies to connect at a deeper level with their customers and build relationships. But they can be a challenge when it comes to engagement. How do you stand out in the sea of distractions? With all the distractions present in our busy world, it can be difficult to capture your audience’s attention and get them engaged. Fortunately, there are some great ways to rise above the noise and get the most out of customer events. Check out our top tips for achieving high engagement at customer events.
Boost Sales Performance by Planning Your Incentive Trip Early
Incentive Trips

Boost Sales Performance by Planning Your Incentive Trip Early

Are you looking to motivate your sales team and reward top performers? An incentive trip might be just what you need. And it's never too early to start planning. In fact, the earlier you start, the better your chances of a successful and unforgettable experience. Planning ahead can make all the difference in terms of productivity and motivation, and can also save you money in the long run. So, let's dive into some tips and tricks for getting ahead on your incentive trip planning and boosting sales performance. Want to get a jump on your next incentive trip? Let’s chat and inspire your team with an unforgettable performance reward!
All-Hands On Deck: The Benefits of Hosting a Virtual All-Hands Meeting
All-Hands Meetings

All-Hands On Deck: The Benefits of Hosting a Virtual All-Hands Meeting

Here are some reasons why hosting an all-hands virtually might be the best option for your organization…
Are your all-hands meetings a snooze-fest? Here's how to change that!
All-Hands Meetings

Are your all-hands meetings a snooze-fest? Here's how to change that!

Engaging globally distributed teams presents some interesting challenges. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to create excitement. Here are some tips for how to create all-hands meetings that eliminate the snooze-factor and actually get your employees engaged, inspired, and ready to take action. Let’s get started!
5 Tips for Building an Engaging Office Culture for Remote Employees
All-Hands Meetings

5 Tips for Building an Engaging Office Culture for Remote Employees

In today’s globalized and interconnected world, businesses can be located anywhere, which means that you don’t have to be in the same physical location as your co-workers in order to do your job well. This presents some interesting challenges, though; being remote is more difficult than having everyone work from an office together. How can you build office culture when you aren’t all at the same place? Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to make this happen, so long as your company has the right mindset and willingness to try new things.
All-Hands for Sales: The Benefits of National Sales Meetings
All-Hands Meetings

All-Hands for Sales: The Benefits of National Sales Meetings

Hosting an all-hands for sales will increase alignment and productivity within your sales team - who doesn't want that? Check out our top tips on how to host an effective annual sales meeting.
All-Hands Meetings for Building a Positive Work Culture in a Virtual Office
All-Hands Meetings

All-Hands Meetings for Building a Positive Work Culture in a Virtual Office

Are you feeling overwhelmed by your All-Hands meeting planning? Don't let the list overwhelm you. We have some helpful tips for setting a solid foundation for your All-Hands meetings.
5 Tips for Hosting a Successful Virtual All-Hands Meeting
All-Hands Meetings

5 Tips for Hosting a Successful Virtual All-Hands Meeting

How do you keep your remote employees engaged when you have an all-hands meeting? It's been a struggle for the past several years, and conventional wisdom says that having all of your employees in one room will improve engagement and alignment. Here are five tips to ensure that your next virtual all-hands meeting is truly successful and has a lasting impact on your company culture and employee engagement levels.

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