3 Ways to Get Your Sales Team Buzzing with a Kick-Ass After Party

All great events start by identifying your bullseyes – who is your target audience and what is the objective of your event? In the case of your annual sales meeting, in many cases, you will be catering to a primarily male audience, with high energy levels, great expectations and low tolerance for boredom. An after party’s a great way to re-energize your sales team after they have sat through the more traditional sales meeting format where you have briefed them on the upcoming season’s objectives. But creating a post-meeting social event that resonates with your high-energy sales team requires strategic planning. With a focus on fun, competitive activities that amplify human connection. So how do you pull all that off? With these tips from our decades in the event industry, of course. All tried and tested to ensure the after-party for your sales team is a hit.
Sales Kickoffs

1. An Entertaining Evening

Most sales teams crave action and competition. To keep the energy high and engagement levels up, infuse some interactive games into your post-meeting party. Here are some top choices:

  • Gambling: Set up a mini-casino with poker, blackjack, and roulette tables.
  • Ping Pong Challenges: Organize a ping pong tournament with branded paddles and tables.
  • Video Games: Create a gaming zone with popular video games that encourage friendly competition.
  • Life-Size Board Games: Think outside the box with games like Plinko, Jenga, or foosball. These larger-than-life games can accommodate multiple players and require minimal skill, making them inclusive and fun for everyone.

Deep Dive: Consider integrating a leaderboard that tracks game scores throughout the night. Use a digital display to show real-time standings, which adds an extra layer of excitement and competitiveness. Offer themed prizes tied into the current year's sales objectives to incentivize participation.

2. The Right Cocktail

When it comes to drinks, simplicity often wins. While innovative cocktails can be a hit, a crowd that's predominantly male might prefer more straightforward options. Here are some suggestions:

  • Beer Flight: Feature a selection of craft beers from a local microbrewery.
  • Vodka Infusion Bar: Provide an array of infused vodkas with different flavors for guests to sample.
  • Whiskey Tasting: Offer a whiskey tasting experience with a range of high-quality options.

Deep Dive: Enhance the beverage experience with a cigar bar, where different product sales teams get different cigar brands. This can create a unique bonding experience and add a touch of sophistication to the evening.

3. Location, Location, Location

The venue is crucial for a memorable after-party. Choose a location that’s both fun and functional:

  • Entertainment Hubs: Opt for venues that offer multiple entertainment options, such as sports bars, gaming lounges, or clubs.
  • Proximity to Meeting Venue: Ensure the party location is close to the meeting venue to make it easy for attendees to transition from one to the other.
  • Late-Night Options: Select a venue that stays open late, allowing your team to continue the festivities.

Deep Dive: Provide transportation vouchers to ensure everyone gets back to the hotel safely. The next morning, distribute “Emergency Hangover” kits. These can include essentials like water bottles, pain relievers, and energy bars, adding a thoughtful touch that helps attendees start the day refreshed and ready for the next session.

Need More Tips?

Planning a memorable and engaging sales after-party requires creativity and strategic thinking. If you need more tips or expert guidance, just call us! Our event planning team at Metavent is ready to help you create unforgettable events tailored to your company’s unique culture and goals.

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